Thursday, October 21, 2010

Travel like a PRO

Not all First and Business Class passengers can enjoy the luxury of travel.  Economy (or Coach) travelers may enjoy the same comfort as these people are.  Below are some tips you may find helpful:

         A well prepared itinerary always come in handy.  So plan your trip ahead of time.  Ensure that vaccination and medical preparations are done before departure.  Consider getting a good night rest before your flight.


Departure Gate of Dubai T3

  Allow plenty of time for check-in even if you have done online check in.  Make sure to use the trolley when carrying heavy luggages.  Carrying heavy bags tends to put your body on a lot of stress.  After clearing immigration, make yourself as relax as much as possible.

     Make yourself as comfortable as possible.  Politely ask your cabin crew if you wish to be reseated should you feel uncomfortable on your seat.  During ascent and descent, swallowing helps equalize your ear pressure.    For long haul flights, feet exercises are recommended in order to reduce muscle fatigue.  Doing small twisting and stretching exercises in your seat also reduces discomfort.

       It is recommended to do some light exercises after a trip.  Jet lag generally kicks in when crossing a number of time zones.  Read books if you cannot sleep after arrival.

Miss M

Exploring Bangkok

Welcome to Bangkok! One of the shopping havens of Southeast Asia.  Experience the stunning temples, assorted markets and glamorous malls.  A visit to Bangkok won’t be complete without the tuk tuk ride.  Bangkok may be cosmopolitan today, but the magnificence of their history still is preserved.

Here are some places not to miss while visiting BANGKOK

  1. Grand Palace & Wat Prakeaw
 The Grand Palace

Aside from its gorgeous architecture, the Grand Palace can be considered as the City’s most famous Landmark.  Inside the palace, you can see marvelous buildings including that of Wat Phra Kaew (Temple of the Emerald Buddha) for which contains the famous Emerald Buddha. 

            Note:  Stict Dress Code applies.  As the palace is considered to be the country’s most sacred place, proper attire is required in order to enter the palace.  Both men and women must wear long pants and tops with sleeves (no tank tops).  Sandals are also prohibited inside the palace.  Booths are available near the palace entrance that is able to provide you the proper attire however, a deposit is required.    

  1. Floating Market (Damnoen Saduak)

There are 3 floating markets in the city.  Taling Chan Market, Bang Ku Wiang Market, Tha Kha, and Damnoen Saduak. However, the famous among all is the Damneon Saduak as this is the floating market that appeared in one of the classic James Bond scenes.  Like any other market, Damneon Saduak is a bit chaotic but you can enjoy haggling prices.

Opening Hours: 07:00 - 11:00 (every day)
How to get there: Take a bus from the Southern Bus Terminal (+66 (0)2 434 5557-8) to Samut Sangkhram Ratchaburi province, 80 km southwest of Bangkok. You can then walk along the passageway to the market, or take a boat to the market pier.

  1. Wat Pho
The Reclining Buddah

Also known as the temple of the Reclining Buddah, this temple is the country’s largest.  The Reclining Buddah is said to measure 46 meters long with feet that are 3 meters elegantly decorated in Mother of Pearl.
English speaking tour guides are available in the temple with a rate of 200-400 BHT.  Prices may vary depending on the number of people in the group.  You may also experience to be blessed by a Monk in exchange with a small donation to help maintain the temple. 

Open: Daily 08:00 - 17:00  (Massage available until 18:00)
Location: Maharat Road. Close to the river (about a half mile south of the Grand Palace), Old City (Rattanakosin)
Entrance: BHT20


  1. Chao Phraya River & Waterways
Chaopraya river

If Venice is famous of their Gondola ride, Bangkok also boasts its river ride that are great for sight seeing.  It is nicknamed as “The Venice of the East”.  For a cheap price, you can use them to skip the city traffic.

Pictures of The Grand Palace and Chaopraya River were submitted by Mariella Oncog.

Miss M


You ought to know that…

(n.d.). Retrieved from

shot taken by Emir Fontanilla

  • Greenland is the largest island in the world.
  • The state of Florida is bigger than England
  • The only U.S. city whose name can be spelled completely with vowels is Aiea, located approximately twelve miles west of Honolulu, Hawaii
  • There is a city called Rome on every Continent.
  • There’s no single word to say “yes” or “no” in Japanese.
  • We don’t know if there’s a Heaven on earth, but there is a Hell, it’s a town in Norway. Also, there is a Hell in Michigan, and to exit the area you must go through Angel’s Pass to get to Monk’s Road. Yet another Hell is in the Grand Cayman Islands
  • Iceland is warmer than Chicago, Illinois in the winter.
  • The word taxi is spelled the same in English, German, French, Swedish. Dutch, and Portuguese.

Miss M

HELLO in 10 different Languages

When you travel it is recommended to learn the basic greetings of your destination.  Below are some ways to say HELLO or Good Morning in 10 languages.

  1. Dutch - hoi (very informal), hallo (informal), goedendag (formal)
  2. French - salut (informal; silent 't'), bonjour (formal, for daytime use; 'n' as a nasal vowel)
  3. German - hallo (informal), Guten Tag (formal; pronounced gootan taag), Tag (very informal; pronounced taack)
  4. Irish - "Dia duit" (pronounced "Deah Duit"; also means "God Be With You")
  5. Islamic Greeting  - Assalamou Alykoum means peace be upon you.
  6. Japanese - ohayoou gozaimasu (pronounced o-ha-yo (go-zai-mass) means Good Morning
  7. Korean - ahn nyeong ha se yo (formal; pronouned on-nyoung-ha-say-yo)
  8. Russian - Privet! pronounced as pree-vyet (informal), zdravstvuyte (formal; pronounced ZDRA-stvooy-tyeh)
  9. Scottish - howzitgaun (informal, means "Hello, how are you?")
  10. Spanish - hola (pronounced with a silent 'h': o-la)

(How to say hello in different languages. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Miss M

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As submitted by Rivafilia Estoque

I would like to share to you the blog that my high school friend RIVA made last 20-Aug-2008.  Apart from the detailed description of her journey to Hokkaido, Japan, all the snapshots on this blog were taken by her.  The background of this blogspot is one of her pictures.  You may visit her site

Miss M

loving myself for much more

When the Aussie bloke and I ended and when he easily took up someone else (someone I considered a friend nonetheless), my self worth plummeted faster and much much lower than the US economy. I couldn't help but ask myself over and over again how she was better than I was, or what it was that she had which i didn't have, or why he chose her over me. It was maddening. Of course, I still had enough sensibility in me to know that the issue wasn't how she does her hair nor how I laugh; that the issue wasn't because I fart in front of him nor because she was feminine. The issue, I knew was not because she was better than I was because I still had pride in me to think that I was and still am quite a catch, the issue was HIS sense of judgement; it just so happened that he prefers peaches over mangoes. But, I needed to feel that I am still worth it to someone. I needed to truly believe in my value as a person and that I need not change things in me just to fit into men's desire. A week long trip was what I needed to go back to myself, and see that I will be alright.

I went to Hokkaido last week for Obon. Obon is a week long Japan holiday for the Japanese to remember their dead. For the English teachers though, it just means a week long holiday away from the repetitive "good mornings" and "how are you todays?". Hokkaido is the northernmost island of Japan and is notorious for its harsh -30C winter. In summer though, people go to hokkaido to cool off and enjoy its beautiful landscapes and wildlife. I went there to rediscover myself and boy, the place didn't dissappoint me.

I would never forget the happiness I was intensely suffused with while I cycled on the hills of Biei or took photos of flowers inNakafurano or hiked in Shirogane. I was filled with a profound sense of union with nature that, although I am not a prayerful person, I whispered a prayer for all the people I love and those whom I find difficult to love. The huge expanse of gently rolling green hills with the mountain range in the distance made me so much grateful for the life that I have.

It was amazing as well to see the Obonodori festival dance inSapporo; when people of different age, different backgrounds and with different sense of rhythm could just join in the dance and stamp their feet and clap their hands to the beat of the drums and to the encouragement of the singers! Otaru, a town an hour away, offered a calming walk along its canal even with the million tourists milling about. The entire trip was anything but short from rejuvenating and fun!
What really made the entire trip fun was the people I have met, talked with and travelled with. I met an American girl who has the exceptional ability to out-talk me and still have plenty of things to say about almost everything, the Domino's pizza shop people who drove me to my youth hostel when I asked for directions, a Korean girl who was so sweet and engaging, an Australian couple who were the most sensible strangers I have ever talked to, an Ojiji who gave me a box of cake as reparation for the biases that Japanese people have against Filipinos, another Ojiji who gave me a bottle of ice coffee, a Korean Aussie whom I gossiped with, and the coolest Japanese I have ever met and whom I am meeting with next week! Though alone, the camaraderie of solitary travellers always kept me company.

How to get there:

The cheapest way to go to Hokkaido is to go there by ferry either from Ibaraki or somewhere in Akita or Aomori or Niigata. I took the Sunfower ferry from Oarai to Tomakomai and it saved me a lot of money even during peak season. The trip took about 19 hours but the ferry has a sento, a restaurant, a pachinko place, vending machines, massage chairs and a theater to keep the passengers occupied. Of course if these things still aren't amusing enough, one can always put on the captain's jacket and cap for photos! Making a reservation for the ferry is easy as well as they have English speaking operators although during peak season, it is advisable to make one's reservation as early as two months before the date of departure.

Flying to Hokkaido might be faster but it is the most expensive way which could easily cost as much as 30000 yen from Sapporo to Tokyo, one way. There are several airlines which fly from the main island (from Tokyo or Osaka) to Hokkaido such as JAL , ANA,AirDo , and Skymark . Also there are several airports in Hokkaido so one can choose the airport conveniently close to the destination. Among the airlines serving the honshu-hokkaido route, Skymark is the cheapest one.

Training it to Hokkaido is another option although not at all the most convenient. First because one has to make several changes and the train doesn't have much entertainment to offer for its 10 hours long trip. The scenery along which the train runs is quite beautiful I heard but when one is seating on an aisle seat and is sandwiched between two snoring passengers, then it can get a bit vexing. However for train schedules visit grace-hyperdia for the cost and schedule of the JR trains running between Honshu and Hokkaido.

Where to stay:

The most expensive place to stay are hotels and ryokans. The cheapest and the best place to stay for backpackers are Youth Hostels. At Youth Hostels, one can meet alot of people from different parts of the world and just talk to them and gain new friends. I know I did. I stayed at Ino's Place in Sapporo and atFurano Youth Hostel in Nakafurano. Prices at youth hostels, unlike in other accomodation options, doesn't fluctuate with every season. The downside though is one has to share rooms with other people which means there is a chance that one might get awakened by somebody else's snoring or alarm going off or just by someone else's stink. I know I did! haha!

What to do:

Go nuts! There are plenty of things to do in Hokkaido all year round. May it be skiing in winter, or hiking in summer or flower viewing in spring or momiji viewing in autumn, this island won't run out of activities for its tourist. If none still interest you, you can always stay at the youth hostel and just read a book while sipping hot tea!

So, how much did I spend on that 7 days trip? A LOT but then again, for me to be able to feel loved by myself, to be truly happy from within, a month worth of salary isn't much. After all, one deserved to be loved as much, and if one can't give it to one's self, then no one can ever can.

(for more photos of my trip click on any of the photos)


They say that the type of shoes you wear during your travel reflects mostly on the type of traveler you are.  So I have personally categorized "some" types of travelers to go along with my favorite shoes.

Lace Back Sneakers by ADIDAS

The BACKPACKERS - They are the ones who travel in small groups or even travel alone.  The also venture places by foot and stay on hostels or simple cheap accommodation.  Most likely these people visit only for a few days.

Christian Louboutin Pumps

The BUSINESS Travelers - These group travels frequently in the course of their business.  Most of them travel in style.  So I personally hand-picked my favorite shoe to go with their business suit.  I'm pretty sure they are very comfortable specially during transits.

Thong flats by Jimmy Choo

The Holiday Makers - These are the people who travel for vacation.  They may have a long stay or just for the holidays.  These people travel to leave work behind in exchange for a time of relaxation (and spending time with family and friends).  They basically travel with huge luggages so the most comfy shoes is definitely a must!

Miss M

Are you a SMART Traveler?

Taking an 8-hour flight to Manila from Dubai was like working on your office just sitting.  The difference? Your lunch is served by a hostess.  8~)

Here are some tips I've read (now reposted) on an EK Magazine on how to deal during a long haul flight.

By the way, Dubai - Manila isn't a long haul flight but below still applies.  Hats off to those who travel to New Zealand or Brazil or US.

1)  Drink plenty of water - Rehydrate with water or juices frequently.  Drink tea and coffee in moderation.  (Better not seat by the window)

2)  Make yourself comfortable - Loosen your clothing, remove your jacket and avoid anything pressing against your body that constricts your blood circulation. (Make sure to do this discretely)

3)  Keep moving - Light exercises on your lower legs and calf muscles encourages blood flow and helps reduce muscle fatigue and swelling in the feet.  (proven and tested - also I would like to add, make sure not to sleep on one position for a long period of time to avoid body stiffness)

4) Travel Lightly - Carry only essential items that you will need during your flight.  (That I should always keep in mind!)

5) Wear glasses instead of contact lenses - Cabin air is drier than normal therefore we recommend that you wear glasses during flights.  (This also applies to short haul flights)

6)  Use skin moisturizer - Apply a good quality skin moisturizer to ensure your skin doesn't dry out due to the drier cabin air.  (Most F/J passengers have the luxury to enjoy free stuffs including moisturizers.  For those who are sure no moisturizers are included on their flight, better carry one and make sure it is less than 100mL)

Miss M


As a jetsetter, one should be aware of what to bring during a trip (planned or unplanned).  Here's my personal checklist for which I believe are essential when packing.  

all packed - another travel blogger RIVA
1. Airline Tickets
2. Passport
3. Wallet with cash, picture ID's, 1 credit card with enough credit limit
4. Cellphones that are fully functional on your destination
5. Contact Numbers to report stolen/lost credit cards stored in your cellphone
6. guidebooks/or print outs of our itinerary/maps 
7. plug adaptor

Miss M 

Putting SOUL on SEOUL - a proposed 4-day itinerary

My good friend and colleague Sunshine along with other officemates decides to visit KOREA - the land of  ahemm  GO JHUN PYO.. She was kind enough to give me her itinerary during their trip to KOREA.  The hotel was booked per the team's choice.  You may check or for more options.

Below are the detailed information on how they go around the country.

DAY 1:

The best way to get to Banana Backpackers from Incheon International airport is:
1. Take bus number 6011 from bus stop 5B or 12A (70mins/9000KRW – 30AED one way)
2.  Get off at Anguk-Dong bus stop.
3.  Walk towads the SK station, turn right at the cornert, walk 100 meters to first stop light
4.  Cross the street and walk straight into the narrow street.  Walk 150M ahead past a big building (Shin-Wha Bldg) to your right side. 
5.  Turn right at the crossroads (end of that bldg) where you will see the Banana Backpagers yellow BANANA signboard.

·          Double room is 55,000KRW – 170AED | 85AED per pax ( 2 people /  night )
·          Double room is 65,000 KRW – 197AED | 66AED per pax ( 3 people /  night )]

      PALACE TOURS (10000KRW - 30AED per pax | 4 PALACE TOURS + 1 SHRINE TOUR)

Part of the 2nd Palace: The Secret Garden - Changdeokgung Palace’s rear garden

Changdeokgung’s rear garden was constructed during the reign of Taejong, and had served as a resting area for the royal family members. The garden was also called Bukwon and Geumwon, but after Kojong became king, he renamed it Biwon. The garden was kept as natural as possible and human hands were only used when absolutely necessary. Buyongjeong, Buyongji, Juhabru, Eosumun, Yeonghwadang, Bullomun, Aeryeonjeong, and Yeongyeongdang are some of the many pavilions and fountains that occupy the gardens. The most beautiful time to see the garden is during the fall when the autumn foliage is at its fullest peak and the leaves start to fall.


Food Budget: Not more than 30AED per pax (depende na lang sa sikmura nyo. Hehehehehe... basta ako magdala ako ng KAPE - shine)


Streets of Traditional Culture in Insa-dong

Located only 10 minutes away from the Changdeokgung Palace, the streets of Insa-dong, well-known for its traditional culture, bustle with tourists day and night. Here visitors can find a great selection of traditional items and souvenir gifts at inexpensive prices. Also, many popular Korean restaurants nearby are highly recommended.

Cheonggyecheon Stream

After a good Korean meal in Insa-dong, head towards Cheonggyecheon Stream for an urban landscape tour. A mere 10- minute walk from Insa-dong, Cheonggyecheon Stream was where housewives of long ago gathered to do the laundry. In the early 70s, as part of rapid modernization and industrialization, Korean authorities had concrete roads built over the stream.
In 2005, however, the stream was restored, and has since become a leading tourist attraction. The area is especially beautiful in the evening.


DAY 2:

1st Palace: Gyeongbok Palace – (09:00-10:00) – 

A palace located in northern Seoul, South Korea. Gyeongbokgung was continuously expanded during the reign of King Taejong and King Sejong the Great

How to go there:

Take the Line 3 Subway ANGUK station to Line 3 Subway GYEONGBOK station. Take Exit 5.

FARE: 900KRW – 5AED (ANGUK station to GYEONGBOK station)
FARE: 900KRW – 5AED (GYEONGBOK station to ANGUK station)

2nd PALACE - Changdeokgung Palace  - (10:30-11:30)

A UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, this is the only palace that has preserved Joseon Dynasty’s original royal architecture. the hidden treasure is surely the Secret Garden, an intimate Korean-style retreat located behind the palace.

Location: From Anguk Station, go out using Exit 3 (a 2-minute walk). 5 minutes walk from Banana Backpackers Hotel 

Sightseeing time: Approximately 1.5 hours

Reservation Info. for Foreigners : Tel +82-2-762-8262 (English),

                        3.      SEOUL CITY BUS TOUR – 10000KRW – 30AED per pax (12:00-21:00)

ITIN: Depart at Gwanghwamun   Deoksugung  National Museum of Korea   Namsangol Hanok Village   N Seoul Tower  

How to go there:
Take the Line 3 Subway ANGUK station to Line 5 Subway GWANGHWAMUN station.
Take Exit 6.

Hours of Operation

Hours of
Single Decker
City Course
9:00~ 21:00
(Last bus 19:00)
Approx. 2 hours
Night Course
Approx. 1.5 hours
Double Decker Bus
Cheonggyecheon • Ancient
Palaces Course
1 hour
(No bus at 14:00)

Night Course
Approx. 1.5 hours

  • All the courses will depart from the Donghwa Duty Free Shop in Gwanghwamun.
  • The buses do not run on Mondays.
  • (However, if the Mondays are a holiday, then the buses will run during normal hours.)
  • Buses will run every day during the summer season (From July 4 to August 15)
  • The City Course will run every 20 minutes during the summer season (July 4 to August 15)

Depart from Gwanghwahmun to Deoksugung
a)      3rd Palace: Deoksu Palace


     b)    Namdaemun Market 

    Located in the very center of Seoul, is the biggest traditional market in Ko

rea selling children's clothing, men & women's clothing, daily miscellaneous goods, kitchenware and local and imported products.

c)      The National Museum of Korea


    The National Museum of Korea holds a collection of approximately 150,000 pieces, including permanent collections of ancient artifacts, historical artifacts, works of art, donated pieces, and Asia-related cultural artifacts. Other facilities include a space to display various cultural installations, and a hall that serves as a children's hands-on learning and experience center. The garden outside the museum offers an outdoor exhibition of stone pagodas and a variety of stone relics.

      No admission fee is required for the permanent exhibits, the Children's Museum, and temporary exhibitions except special exhibitions that require separate tickets for admissions.

d)    N Seoul Tower
Cable Car : 6500KRW – 20 AED RT

N Seoul Tower, a landmark of Seoul
It is the best observatory space of Seoul where you can appreciate all the panoramic scenery of Seoul with cutting edge media display with various culture.

N Seoul Tower Observatory with the panoramic scenery of Seoul
“N Seoul Tower,” a center of Seoul, a symbol of Seoul, and the highest place where you can see all the most beautiful scenery of Seoul was established as a Korea’s first total electric wave tower to send TV and radio broadcasts in Seoul metropolitan area in 1969.
Sending and receiving antenna of KBS, MBC, SBS TV and PBC, TBS, CBS, BBS FM sending antenna are equipped at the electric wave tower of N Seoul tower, and 48% of the entire population of Koreawatch and listen to the broadcasts through the electric wave tower of N Seoul tower.
N Seoul Tower became a resting place of Seoul citizens and a sightseeing site for foreigners after it’s opening to the public in 1980.

You may experience new cultural arts with various media art in the mixture of “art of lights” of which colors and patters change every minute by the lighting of the newest LED technology.

N Restaurant | Inside Seoul Tower
Make a special day memory at high quality revolving restaurant with beautiful Seoul scenery, and enjoy a new freedom and romance at sky garden of observatory zone.

It is a quality revolving steak restaurant where you can enjoy menu of full course service with background of beautiful view and atmosphere of high class and exoticism.
Enjoy the very best original steak prepared by a world class chef while viewing Seoul at a glance with a revolving speed of 120 minutes per rotation. 

VIEW RADIUS:    [west] Sea of Incheon / [north] Gaeseong Songaksan
[east] Yangpyeong Yongmoonsan / [south] Namhansanseoung

Business Day: Open 365 days
Business Hours
            Lunch: 1100 – 1400
            Dinner: 1700 – 2300
            Wine Bar: 2100 – 2300
            Saturday, Sunday, Holidays: 1100 – 2300





DAY 3:

Experience Winter Sonata Tour 1 – Namiseon Island

To tour Namiseom Island, you have three options to choose from.  First, use a bicycle like the couples did in Winter Sonata.  Second, use a tour-taxi, or third, venture around the island on foot.  If you don’t have enough time, you can use the taxi to save time and to tour comfortably.  If you plan to have lunch at Namiseom Island, take as much time needed to tour the island. All you need is about 3-4 hours to see the entire island and what it has to offer.  Don’t rush through the tour.  Instead, take time to enjoy the scenic view and take pictures while posing like the Winter Sonata Characters as a remembrance of your trip.
Tour Taxi: Runs from 9AM – 6PM / Winter Sonata Course 30,000 won (4persons standard) / Approximately 30 minutes required for the tour.
Bicycle Rentals: 3,000 won per 1 bicycle (30 minutes), 5,000 won (60 minutes) 6,000 won per 1 tandem (30 minutes), 10,000 won  (60 minutes)

Namiseom Island Tour
From Cheongnyangni Train Station to Gapyeong Station (70mins/ 3500KRW - 20 AED). Then from there take the bus/taxi to ferry terminal (30mins/900 KRW – 10 AED per pax | 15mins/4000 KRW – 20 AED good for 4) to Namiseom Island (5mins / 8000KRW – 30 AED RT TKT).

0830AM Cheongnyangni Train Station
Get off at Cheongnyangni Station from subway line 1, and once outside you’ll see Cheongnyangni Train Station.  The Gyeongchunseon Line leaving from Cheongnyangni Station is usally filled with young people going on field trips or couple going on short trips.  You may witness people playing games or singing to guitar accompaniment during the train ride.  Breakfast can be taken care of on the train with light sandwiches or Gimbap purchased at the snack bar on the first floor of the train station.
Cheongnyangni ›››› Gapyeong (3,500 won) / Cheongnyangni ›››› Chuncheon (5,200 won)
Approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes from Cheongnyangni Station to Gapyeong Station

09:51 AM Gapyeong Train Staion
Taxi stand in line at the taxi queue in front of Gapyeong Train Station Plaza near the train station.  The bus to Gapyeong has long intervals; therefore you may need to wait quite a while to get a bus.  If you are travelling with at least one other person, it’s cheaper to just take a taxi.  By taxi, you can reach Namiseon Island for about a taxi fare of 3,500 won – 4,000 won. 

Tip Taxi: Grab a cap in front of Gapyeong Station (Cab fare is approximately 3,500 – 4,000 won and it takes about 5-10 minutes)

Bus – Fare 950 won [Namiseon Island – Gapyeong Bus Schedule]
From Namiseom Island: 07:50/10:10/11:50/13:40/14:10/15:40/16:10/17:10/19:30
From Bus Terminal; 07:40/10:00/11:40/13:30/14:00/15:30/16:30/17:00/19:20
Cross the street from Gapyeong Station and go straight in order to reach ?Gapyeong Bus Terminal – Take the 10:00AM bus to Namiseom Island – Approximately 10 minutes to destination.

10:10AM Namiseom Island

Before actually entering Namiseom Island, you first need to purchase tickets at the Ticket Center to take a ferry.  The ticket price includes both the island’s entrance fee and roundtrip ferry ride. The ferry to Namiseom Island starts to run at 07:30 AM and the last ferry leaves from the mainland at 9:30PM.  From Namiseom Island, the first ferry leaves at 07:35AM, and the last ferry to the mainland leaves at 09:50 PM.

TIP: [Namiseon Island Ferry Schedule]
Fare: 5,000 won to Namiseon Island: 07:30/08:00/08:40 – 18:00 (Every 15-20 minutes/ On  weekends and holidays, every 10-15 minutes) / 18:30/19:30/20:00/20:30/21:00/21:30
From Namiseom Island: 07:35/08:05/08:40-18:00 (Every 15-20 minutes / On weekends and holidays, every 10-15 minutes) /18:35/19:05/19:35/20:05/20:35/21:05/21:35
Purchase the ferry ticket at Namiseom Island Ticket Center – Approximately 5 minutes to destination.

From Namiseom Island to ferry terminal (5mins / 8000KRW – 30 AED RT TKT) to Gapyeong Station (30mins/900 KRW – 10 AED per pax | 15mins/4000 KRW – 20 AED good for 4) to Cheongnyangni Train (70mins/ 3500KRW - 20 AED).

DAY 4:
ICN – DXB: 16Aug/15:10 - 19:20 via EK6221 or 23:55 - 04:25+1 via EK323
ICN – MNL: 16Aug/ 08:20 – 11:10 via KE621 or 20:05 – 23:00 via KE623

SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED EXPENSES - The only constant amounts are the ones in bold.

·          Hotel: 85 AED per pax for 2 people/night - ttl of 255 AED | or 66 AED per pax for 3 people/night – ttl of 198 AED
·          Fare: 250 AED for the entire 3 days stay getting around via the itin planned
·          Activities: 50 AED
·          Food: 200 AED+ for the entire stay depending on your trip. (I’m bringing food and water with me! – shine)
·          Fare for DXBICNDXB: 505 AED RT ID90 w/ EK or 580+ taxes AED RT ID90 w/ KE to be issued on July 25 (Salary Deduction on next cut-off)
·          Fare for DXBICNMNL: 245 AED OW ID90 w/ EK + 220 AED OW ID90 w/ KE to be issued on July 25 (Salary Deduction on next cut-off) or 510 + taxes AED CT w/ KE
·          Fare for DXBICNFUK: 245 AED OW ID90 w/ EK + 120 AED OW ID90 w/ KE to be issued on July 25 (Salary Deduction on next cut-off) or 410 + taxed AED CT w/ KE
·          Total if 3 or 6 pax will travel – 698 AED + ticket
·          Total if 2 pax or 4 pax will travel – 755 AED + ticket

Budget is a little under 600 AED per pax if all of us are going on this trip. Hope you’ll reaaaaaally think about it and decide to go. 2010 trip friends!!! COME ON! ^____^ AN-NYUNG-HA-SE-YO KOREA!!!

Miss M